Search for MinGW or select it from Features. To install this compiler, use the Add-Ons menu of MATLAB. Two compilers are currently supported by Matlab: Microsoft's Visual C++ (MSVC) (free in its Commmunity edition) and, since Matlab R2015b, the MinGW-w64 C/C++ Compiler from TDM-GCC. If you are using Matlab under Mac OS X, you should install the latest version of XCode If not already present, it can be installed via apt-get install build-essential Under Linux you need to have a working compilation environment installed.

After installing your compiler, select it using mex -setup in Matlab and clicking on the required compiler. If you are using MATLAB, please check the list of supported compilers for your MATLAB version on your operating system. However, under Linux, you might have to install the liboctave-dev. Octave comes with capacities for compiling MEX-file.

This page briefly documents how to configure MEX compilation environment for use with the use_dll-option of model.